
Websites in 2023: faster, safer and cheaper

Websites in 2023: faster, safer and cheaper

What kind of website do you want for your business? If the answer is "green", you do not need to read further. But if you are interested in the technologies that fly in the current year 2023, feel free to continue.
Websites 3.0 or supermodern websites are built in such a way that they can be edited and the results are displayed immediately (of course, also to the user). If there is an error on the website, until the user does something new, they still see the error. It's not just grammatical errors - it's directly about displaying the availability of products, the possibility of booking, etc. So that the services do not disappear from the databases while users still see old data.
New generation websites are decentralized, faster, more robustly protected. And also – cheaper. Instead of a large team of people developing a website, all you need is a smart person equipped with ready-made work, scripts, code and proven templates. The fewer people who make the website and the less time they need to create it, the cheaper it will be. The old triangle adage says that quality will suffer as a result - it could. Since then, we have constantly improving technologies and new phenomena called Artificial Intelligence.
If you have a website from 2013, you probably have something horribly out of date, like from the prehistory of computers. Today's websites work with mobile applications, the cloud, shields of security companies, their operators do not need to know not only code, but also any advanced techniques. A clean, clear and, above all, well-managed website is the basis of a progressive business.
If an entrepreneur is interested in creating a website, it is important that they communicate with their developer and specify their requirements. After all, every business is a little different - and web development can get stuck just because of bad communication. In the past, the most common problem - unrealistic expectations of clients - is breaking down with the arrival of a new age of web development. Dynamic companies creating websites at favorable prices are not the music of the future. It's today.

What should you, as an entrepreneur, demand from a web developer?

  1. Functionality and mastered communication / trading with customers.
  2. Design and appearance linked to the company's brand and corresponding to the taste of the company and customers.
  3. Mobile optimization and operation on different platforms.
  4. So that the website delivers the message in the first seconds after a new visit and the client does not have to fumble for a long time.
  5. Search engine optimization to befriend the corporations that will find you.
  6. You have the right to a reasonable time for the production of the site and to adhere to the pre-agreed budget.
  7. Possible later management and maintenance of the website (if you so agree).


Real-time websites: Improved user experience and up-to-date information


Websockets: The revolution in web communication and the potential to replace REST


One of the main advantages of the new super-modern websites, e-shops and applications that we develop is the ability of the server to initiate communication with the client in real time.


SERP is an abbreviation for "Search Engine Results Page", which means "page of search results". 


The future of the Internet based on decentralization and blockchain technology.

Supermodern websites - with bainry you will never miss a job

Supermodern websites - with bainry you will never miss a job

Supermodern websites - based on real-time technologies

Supermodern websites - based on real-time technologies

Websites in 2023 - faster, safer and cheaper

Websites in 2023: faster, safer and cheaper